Featured Ponderings

Power Tools…and Ways to Get Your Groove Back

February 6, 2017

A slip, a trip, a slide, a tear
An objection, a rejection,
Feels like nobody is there
An interjection, someone’s projection,
Those can take you right down
And you forget for a moment
who you are…

You drink melancholy mixed with poignancy and pain
How do you absolve, and get moving again?
When it all seems to sour
How do you find your lost power
And rise up like the warrior you are?

Here’s how:

Hit back at the fears, swallow the tears.
Strap in and buckle down
Lock it, rock it, face it head on
Push away from the cup
of poison.

A stumble, a fumble, and it feels like it’s over
But every day is a new starting gate
Doubt the haters, hate the doubt,
That, you can do without…
Be the designer of your own fate.

Brush off the boots that have taken you places
Where you were told you should not go
Go back to those places, forget the faces
that said no
Then stomp, and stomp, and stomp.
Sticks and stones never broke you before
And they won’t break you now.

Buy boots that are tall and make you say
“I am in charge now, get out of my way”
And to those that would block you, don’t stop and ask why…
“Talk to the hand” should be your only reply
On your way by…

Look in the mirror at yourself every day
Smile and speak words that are loving and kind
Ones that heal and energize and you will find
that when the time comes, you are ready to say
“Game on”…

Play girl-power anthems and songs with strong beats
Shake your hair out and dance wildly in your bare feet
Sing loud and strong and be free and proud
Turn it up and play them over and again,
so the words
will not be forgotten.

Drink in the moonlight, like a vampire at night
Drink up the stars and the glittering light
Inhale the sparkle that comes over the water
Breathe out a cascade of soft petals, so pale,
that swirl and fall silently around you, like a veil
of peace

Don a coat of armor made of butterfly wings
with opals of light that shimmer and sing
Maybe ones with false eyes to throw them all off
Rock it, it’s you, let the envious ones scoff…
And go make their own coats.

Stand tall and lets the roots of the earth reach up
and fill you with strength and stability
Greet the sun with face up and eyes open
Throw down the mask of fragility
That’s not you

Seek out things of beauty and grace,
for they will help you face the day, your way
Like the warrior woman you are…
Game on.

If you would like a copy of my girl-power anthem playlist, SUBSCRIBE to my website, then send me an email request for the playlist. Get fired up, find your power, and when you are ready, request my “In the Mood” playlist to find your groove and put that power to use…

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