

Featured Ponderings

A Life Lesson, as told to me by a tree…

September 11, 2016

If you find yourself in the path of a boulder as it barrels down the side of a mountain, and you are unable to get out of the way, brace for impact. If the impact does not snap you in half, absorb the impact, then pause. You have choices: succumb, or thrive. Try to choose thrive. Continue to grow. Put down deeper roots, so that you have the strength to support the boulder as it leans into you. Push back. Grow taller, and keep seeking the light above, in spite of the weight at your base. Know that the boulder will always be a boulder, and it cannot change. Embrace and cradle the boulder, let the memory of the impact become part of your grain. Make it a part of you, your environment, your being. Be at peace with its presence. It will shape you, and that shape will change over time. Others will see the boulder, and may fear it, but your strength will calm them, and they will respect you. You may be bowed and scarred, but you can also be strong, graceful, beautiful, alive and thriving.

Featured Ponderings

Day 16: Flight Test

September 9, 2016

For three weeks this past spring, I had the thrill of watching a mother Anna’s hummingbird as she laid a pair of eggs just outside my front door, and then incubated and tended the tiny pair until they fledged. We had seen her hovering about for several days, watching us carefully. On Mother’s Day, she finally alighted on her nest, which had been under construction right in plain sight the whole time, but we had not seen it. Much to the consternation and growing annoyance of my family, I spent a good part of each day for the next few weeks crouched in our tram, hidden beneath a green blanket, with my cell phone and a borrowed selfie-stick duct-taped to the side of the tram. My comings and goings during that time induced no more than blinking in the mother and baby hummers. On Day 16, however, throughout the morning and afternoon, I noticed a distinct difference… Continue Reading

Featured Ponderings

Hello, Friends! Welcome to my new blog site…

September 8, 2016

I know, blah, blah, blah blog. When I use the word “blog”, my teenage son practically falls down laughing. So henceforth, I shall use the word “website”. That sounds…less…hmmm, not sure.
I am starting this site as a creative writing outlet and a way to connect with people I know, and also, hopefully, a broader audience. I welcome your comments and suggestions, as I am totally new to this. If you would like to be notified of future posts, please subscribe. If you see something you like, please share.
To those that have encouraged me, I send a warm “Thank you!”
Or, “This is all your fault…”
Take your pick!

Susan Berry

Featured Ponderings

What you really should know about me…the minutiae

September 7, 2016

Recently, during the course of business and other endeavors, I have been asked to write my “bio”. What is it that people really want, or need, to know about me? The bios varied slightly, according to the intended placement, but they all felt rather stiff and boring. Here is the bio I should write:

Susan is keen of mind, inquisitive, emotional, nosy, bossy, has high expectations of herself and others, and so is frequently disappointed in both herself and others. Funny (mostly to herself), and enjoys dark and inappropriate humor, usually at dark and inappropriate times. Her husband accuses her of having ADD tendencies, but that is a natural result when one’s life feels like you are being spun around by your pigtails on the playground, and each spinner has their own agenda, not all being fun and games. She is a loving and supportive mother, but can also be snappy, impatient, demanding, and can vacillate between being a controlling micro-manager and not being there at all… Continue Reading